Orient Capital delivers a suite of services that enable its clients to maximise the opportunity of public ownership and to reap the benefits of good investor relations.

Our deep understanding of the investor relations industry has enabled us to develop innovative products that add real value - harnessing technology to deliver quality information and practical analysis.

  • Shareholder identification

    Knowing your shareholders will allow you to structure an effective investor relations program.

    The fundamental priority of any listed company is to know who owns its shares. The value of a stock market listing cannot be realised without this intelligence. Strong investor relationships can only be built once a company's shareholders have been identified.

    Orient Capital helps listed companies identify and track their shareholders, as well as their behaviour. We do this using either local ownership disclosure provisions through share register analysis or, where such disclosure provisions do not exist, through shareholder identification, using our own proprietary methodologies.

    Our acknowledged skill in this field has led us to become the largest analyser of share registers globally and the dominant provider of equity ownership analytics in multiple markets.

    Orient Capital's ownership analytics service leverages proprietary technology to deliver the highest standards of security ownership and trading intelligence to listed companies and their advisors through the ownership module within miraqle - Orient Capital's online platform.

  • Targeting investors

    Solidify your investor base by honing in on those with the highest potential to increase their holdings or become shareholders.

    Institutional supporters of your stock will inevitably at some point reduce or sell their holdings, often for reasons unconnected with your company's performance or prospects.

    If you cannot necessarily influence such decisions, then you need to be always looking to build relationships with those investors who can potentially provide demand for excess liquidity, if and when it arises. Effective investor targeting can help reduce share price volatility and ensure that the market appropriately values your stock - key objectives of a successful investor relations program.

    To attract investors in a focused and targeted manner, it is not only critical to understand the overall commitment an investor has to the market, but also the size of their investment (if any) in your company relative to those in your sector/peers. You also need to consider whether your company meets a particular investor's investment criteria.

    Orient Capital's analysis of your share register will quickly and accurately profile your investor base. And by aggregating the ownership data from many hundreds of such analyses, we are also able to provide a unique insight into the portfolio size and weightings of individual institutional investors across a range of sectors and indices.

    By aggregating data from many thousands of these analyses we are also able to provide a unique view on the portfolio size and weightings of individual institutional investors across a range of sectors and indices.

    Weighting analyses are an invaluable tool in preparing for roadshows and equity raisings, enhancing targeting efficiency and increasing investment conversion rates. Comparing this data to your own shareholders reveals their investment weighting relative to your peers and highlights non-shareholders that invest in your peer group.

    Drawing on Orient Capital's industry expertise and using miraqle, our global investor relations database, you can quickly and easily profile your shareholders and potential investors, identify the right people to talk to and then manage and record all your contact with them.

  • Market communications

    Deliver the right messages to the right audiences using the most appropriate medium.

    Increased scrutiny of market disclosure and the evolution of digital technology mean that getting a market communication strategy right has never been more critical.

    Best practice market disclosure means creating clear and concise communications that can be quickly and simultaneously delivered through a range of different channels, to key market participants.

    It is equally crucial that your messages cut through and are received by existing and potential investors and those who influence them. This requires accurate market intelligence, a comprehensive contact database and the ability to disseminate your messages efficiently and cost effectively across a range of media.

    Orient Capital's unique insight into institutional investors and our focus on technology innovation combine to provide unique solutions for shaping and delivering corporate messages to the market.

    Our global investor relations database, contact management and communications tool, miraqle, comprises tens of thousands of individual investment professionals and organisations, together with comprehensive contact details, investor profiles and coverage responsibilities.

    Incorporating sophisticated list management, blast email and investor profiling functionality, it enables you to target, manage and record your communications with the institutional market, including current shareholders, potential shareholders and those who influence them.

    Orient Capital offers a range of distribution channels to ensure your message reaches your target audiences, including:

    • Blast emails
    • Webcasts
    • Conference calls
    • Websites and micro-sites
  • Managing investor relations

    Structure your activities to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of your investor relations program.

    Whatever your company size, it is critical that the time and resources dedicated to investor relations activities are used efficiently and productively. Two key elements to achieving this outcome are: minimising the time spent on the administration of your investor relations program; and focussing your marketing efforts to maximise the time spent with both existing shareholders and strong investor prospects.

    Since its first investor relations product was launched, Orient Capital has focussed on building technology-based solutions that simplify the administration of investor relations programs, improve market intelligence and targeting capability, and facilitate engagement with the investment community.

    Our online platform, miraqle, continues to be the investor relations management solution of choice for over 2,000 listed companies in Australasia, Asia and EMEA (UK/Europe/Middle East/Africa).

    miraqle comprises a uniquely integrated suite of data modules accessible through either the desktop or mobile app, that allow companies to efficiently and accurately identify, profile, track, manage, target and engage with investors, potential investors and the wider investment community.

    In short, it enables you to:

    • Efficiently record all investor interactions, including automated tagging of participation in briefings, calls and webcasts, as well as receipt of communications.
    • Identify the most important existing and potential investors to ensure communication is being made with the right people.
    • Access a comprehensive and fully-maintained database of capital markets participants, together with their investment profiles.
    • Cross reference investor contact with the buying and selling of a company's shares - thereby measuring the success of an investor relations program.
    • Automatically generate tailored reports for Boards and senior management.
    • Access relevant data offline, whilst on the road.
  • Measuring investor relations

    Bring transparency and accountability to your investor relations function and demonstrate its return on investment.

    Accurate intelligence on your shareholders and their trading activity - together with your contact with shareholders, potential shareholders and those that influence them - is critical to demonstrating the return on investment from investor relations activities. The ability to provide clear and concise reporting on investor relations initiatives will assist in securing ongoing senior management support for the function.

    Heightened transparency also promotes greater internal accountability and assists in the establishment of clear and measurable remuneration KPI's for investor relations personnel.

    miraqle's centralised reporting module enables you to tailor, filter and download information from a range of modules into a single report. With a suite of customised reporting templates, Orient Capital can summarise investor relations activity with individuals or groups of investors, across geographic regions and time frames - cross referencing this information against price and trading activity - to provide meaningful measures of investor relations performance.

  • Shareholder engagement

    Drive support for your corporate actions with engagement campaigns that create awareness and deliver successful outcomes.

    Winning support for corporate actions or shareholder votes - including General Meetings, takeovers, activist events, proxy defences and corporate governance issues - can present considerable challenges for listed companies and should never be left to chance.

    Identifying and actively engaging key stakeholders during such events is critical. With potentially hundreds of institutional shareholders and thousands of retail shareholders - together with third party stakeholders such as proxy, investment and governance advisors, employee groups and government agencies - canvassing shareholder sentiment and influencing shareholder behaviour can be extremely complex and challenging.

    By establishing open channels of communication with multiple stakeholders, companies can accurately gauge investor sentiment, predict likely outcomes and proactively manage campaigns to secure successful outcomes.

    We are a market leader in the provision of shareholder analytics and investor communication solutions to issuers and their advisors during corporate actions. In Australasia, our shareholder engagement services are delivered through Orient Capital, whilst elsewhere these are undertaken by our specialist proxy business, D.F. King.

    Renowned for securing shareholder support in corporate actions, we specialise in designing, organising and executing multi-channel communication campaigns, where our role is to improve shareholders' understanding of issues, as well as their voting participation.

    Our campaigns deliver transparency of shareholder intentions through tailored and targeted engagement with investors, improving the likelihood of successful results, with our corporate action management and reporting tools, delivering time-critical data on transaction outcomes.

  • Supporting IR best practice

    Manage your entire capital market communications to a standard that not only meets market guidelines, but defines industry best practice.

    Increased scrutiny of market disclosure and the evolution of digital technology mean that getting a market communication strategy right has never been more critical.

    A well-managed and structured investor relations program is at the heart of good governance. The key to achieving best practice market disclosure is to create clear and concise communications that can be quickly and simultaneously delivered to all market participants.

    From a risk management perspective, it is also essential that all of a company's market interaction is accurately recorded in one secure location for efficient future retrieval.

    Orient Capital's secure online investor relations management solution, miraqle, enables the simple and efficient recording of all market interactions, including automated tagging of participation in briefings, calls and webcasts, as well as receipt of blast emails. It enables the ready management, recording and retrieval of market communications, to ensure the highest standards of market compliance and best practice investor relations.